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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter Class Session

Winter classes begin in Vancouver East on Tuesday, January 7th.  Classes are at Lifepoint Church from 5:00 - 7:00 every Tuesday for 10 weeks.  Our last class and showcase is on Tuesday, March 18th.  Classes on that day will be at 5:00 as usual and our Showcase will be at 7:00 PM.

Registration is open now!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Improv Team Auditions

Vancouver/Vancouver East Improv Team Auditions will be Saturday, December 14th from 10 - 1 p.m.  at the US Digital Outreach Center (1400 NE 136th Ave, Suite 201, Vancouver - 1 mile north of Mill Plain).

Anyone who is between the ages of 12 and 18 and has taken a Beginning Improv class is encouraged to audition!  

5 team members and 1 alternate will be cast.  We may have enough auditioners for two teams in Vancouver East.

Be sure to read through the Audition Form for more details; and bring your completed form to auditions.

For those of you who would like to practice with our coaches prior to auditions, we'll hold an Improv Audition Warm-Up session on Thursday, December 12th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, also at the US Digital Outreach Center.    The cost is $5 per person.  Please bring cash, or a check made out to JTAG.

Questions?  Email Bethany -

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Discount Tickets for Tollbooth and Fiddler!

We're having a 48 hour ticket sale! 

Tickets to The Phantom Tollbooth, Jr. and Fiddler on the Roof, Jr. will be 50% off starting at 11 am on November 5th until 11 am on November 7th.  

The discount is not applicable to previous purchases or to School Day performances. 
Ticket contest credit will be given in full, for each ticket sold during this time - so share with your friends and family!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thank You!

We had a great time on Tuesday night visiting and shopping at the Premier Jewelry Fundraisier.  Thank you so much for your orders.

If you did not get a chance to come and shop, you can still place an order and the profits will all go to Journey Theater.  We have some catlogs in the magic box you can order from.  To place an order please contact Cindy Henifin at

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Costumes and Jewelry on Tuesday!

Kids are invited to wear their costume a little early and come to class decked out on Tuesday!  I'm expecting to see Broadway characters, Disney characters, Super Heroes and other creative characters pulled out of your kids imagination!  Important thing to remember ~ NO SCARY COSTUMES!  

Also, Tuesday is the Jewelry Fundraiser hosted by Cindy Henifin. We have the church lobby all evening, 5:00 - 7:00 and Cindy will have her beautiful Premier jewelry displayed for you to look at, touch and hold!  All profits will go to Journey.  I have Christmas shopping in mind for Tuesday!  

Come join us as you drop your kids off for class, come back early when you pick up, come if your kids are at dress rehearsal or come if your kids do not even have class on Tuesday!  We will have a great time of shopping, friendship and hot, holiday cider.  See you there!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Come audition to be on an improv team and join the 

Students who have taken beginning improv and are between the ages of 12 and 18 are invited to audition.

Find more information about being on an improv team HERE !

If your student has taken beginning improv before, be looking for a survey coming soon to help us know how many to plan for at auditions.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Christmas Sweater Competition

Last night 74 students and staff wore Christmas sweaters and scarfs and hats and skirts to make Vancouver East victorious in the Christmas Sweater competition with Portland Journey classes!  Portland, you looked great in your Christmas stuff!  Thanks for letting us join in this fun!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Christmas on Tuesday!

Tuesday, 10/17, we are in a competition with Portland Journey class students!  The winner is the area that has the most kids (and teachers) dress in "ugly Christmas sweaters"!  We will take a photo at our break time to document our results!  Remember, if you don't have an "ugly Christmas sweater", wear another Christmas/winter item ~ snow hat, scarf, red and green, anything with snow, etc!

I'm looking through my closet today!

The Voice of Journey

If you are a current student in Journey Theater Arts Group classes, we'd love for you to audition to be the Voice of Journey!    To audition, call our office between 3 pm and 9 am during the week, or anytime over the weekend (when our office is closed) and after the voicemail tone, introduce yourself and then read through the script below.    The chosen voice(s) will come to our office in Vancouver for a recording session and the recording will be used as the Curtian Warmer at our Fall shows. Submissions will be accepted until 9 am on Wednesday, October 16th

    Script:   Welcome to Journey Theater Arts Group and our production of The Phantom Tollbooth Jr.

     What you're going to see is a show performed by students ages 8-18, like me!  We take classes through Journey to build our skills in singing, dancing, and acting.   There's a wide variety of great classes to choose from and there's something for everyone!  If you're between the ages of 6-18, or if you know someone in that age range, be sure to get signed up for classes!  Registration for Winter will begin soon and you don't want to miss out! 

     Explore our website, for all the info about classes and the fabulous shows we have happening right now!  You don't want to miss Fiddler On the Roof Jr. in Portland, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in Beaverton, or Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. in East Vancouver. 

     At intermission, be sure to visit all the great tables in the lobby.  We've got souvenirs, refreshments and a silent auction.  All the proceeds help support the work of Journey theater and even provide scholarships and financial aid so more kids can be involved. 

    We couldn't do these shows without the great support of our show sponsors: Pioneer Pest Management and Dentistry on Officers Row.  We want to thank them not just for supporting live theater, but theater that changes lives.  Let's give them a round of applause.

     Now remember, there's no eating or drinking in the auditorium, and no video or photography of any kind.  If you have restless little ones with you, an usher can help you exit during blackouts and applause. 

    I think it's about time to get on with our adventure.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy The Phantom Tollbooth Jr..

Monday, October 7, 2013

FUN-drasier in Vancouver East!

FREE Journey Car Window Decal!

Tomorrow (10/8) at Vancouver East classes, families can get a FREE car window decal of our new Journey logo!   Staff will be on hand to pass out and help apply the new car window decals starting at 5:00.

If you have an old Journey decal, we will have supplies on hand to help you remove the old one before adding the new one!

(Tip:  If you want to remove the old decal at home, heating with a hair dryer makes scrapping much easier)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Improv Team Auditions!

Students ages 12 - 18, who have taken Beginning Improv, are encouraged to audition for a 2014 Improv Team! 

There will be an "Improv Warm Up Session" on Thursday, December 12th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at US Digital (1400 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver).  The cost is $10 per person.

Auditions for the Improv Teams (Vancouver and Vancouver East) will take place on Saturday, December 14th from 10 am - 1 pm at US Digital.  

More information, along with Audition forms, will be available on our website November 1st.  

Monday, September 30, 2013


TREK is doing a fall coin drive at Vancouver and Vancouver East to benefit the teens at Open House Ministries! Open House Ministries is a family shelter in downtown Vancouver, dedicated to helping homeless families restore healthy relationships with each other, with their community and with Christ.
·        Coin jars will be available at every class, so please help give these teens a great Christmas by donating your coins!  
·        This is a competition, and the winning class gets candy on the last day of classes!

 Please remember to bring your coins!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

3 - 2 - 1 Movie Night!

Instead of "flipping the flier" for the permission slip - get it at the link below!

Monday, September 9, 2013

9/17 is Bring A Friend Day!

This postcard and flyer will go home with students tomorrow at our first class day in Vancouver East!

Both will explain how you can invite a friend to Journey!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall Session Starts Tuesday!

Tuesday, September 10th is our first fall session class day in Vancouver East.  Here are reminders taken from your registration link:

Please bring a signed Medical Release Form and Behavior Contract to turn in for this session.  (Medical Release Form Link)

Class time is 5:00 - 7:00 and we meet at Lifepoint Church at 305 NE 192nd Avenue in Vancouver. 

On our first class day we will begin with a parent and student meeting in the Sanctuary.  This meeting lasts about 1/2 hour and we will cover class information and audition information for this session.

When students are released to their classes, parents are invited to join me at a parent reception.  We will have snacks, I will share information about the involvement of parents who have children that are cast in a Journey show and we will have time for questions and answers.

Both of these meetings with parents are extremely valuable to families new to classes or shows.

Auditions for Vancouver East's fall production of Thoroughly Modern Millie are Friday, September 20th from 4:00 - 7:00 PM at Lifepoint Church.  For more information, join me at the parent reception and visit our show callboard on our website or at

I am looking forward to a great session!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Vancouver East Auditions

If you are enrolled in classes in Vancouver or Vancouver East you are eligible to audition for our fall production of Thoroughly Modern Millie.

Auditions will be Friday, 9/20 from 4:00 - 7:00 at Lifepoint Church.  Some students will be invited to callbacks on Saturday, 9/21 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM.  Our show cast and crew list will posted on the VE Production Callboard on Sunday, 9/22.

You can visit the Callboard for more show details!

Thoroughly Modern Millie Callboard

First Class Day September 10th

September 10th is the first day of classes in Vancouver East!  

Our second day of class is, Bring A Friend Day!  You can invite a friend to join you at class on 9/17.  Watch this blog for upcoming details!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Register for Classes Now!

Registration for fall classes in now open!  Follow this link and choose your class today!

Classes in Vancouver East meet on Tuesday night from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at Lifepoint Church (305 NE 192nd Avenue).  Our fall classes begin September 10th and our last class and showcase is on November 12th.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Class Ticket Contest Winner

The Vancouver East Improv Team has won FREE PIZZA at Tuesday's Showcase by selling the most tickets, per student, to Annie Get Your Gun ~ great job!  

Showcase 6/4

Tomorrow night is our final class and Showcase for spring session in Vancouver East!

Classes begin at the regular time, 5:00 PM.  Our Showcase begins at 7:00 PM.  Doors open to guests at about 6:45.

Showcase attendance is free ~ be sure and invite your family and friends to attend.

We will be selling pizza by the slice ($1.50) and water (.50) at the beginning of class for those who would like it at break.  They will purchase from their teacher.  If you do not purchase pizza, please bring a snack/dinner with you.

Our HYPE students will be selling floats after our showcase to raise funds for the summer camp they do for a homeless shelter in Portland.  Floats will be sold outside the front doors of the church for $1.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Free Pizza!

The class that sells the most tickets to spring Journey shows will earn FREE PIZZA on our Showcase night!  The ticket contest closes on Friday, 5/31 ~ the top ticket selling class will be announced by Monday!

Journey Class Tonight

We resume Vancouver East classes tonight (5/28) after a week off.  Class begins at 5:00 as usual.  Last regular class day ~ class and showcase next week (6/4)!

Monday, May 20, 2013

No Class 5/21

There will be no classes in Vancouver East, 5/21, due to the large number of students that will be gone for the VE Annie Get Your Gun dress rehearsal.  Classes resume next week (5/28) and our last class and showcase is 6/4.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer Camp Counselors in Training

Journey is looking for Counselors in Training (CIT) for our day camps this summer.  

Applicants must be 15 years old by 6/1/13, and must have participated in 2 semesters of Journey classes. CITs will receive 100 Journey Points for each full week as a CIT. Only camps with 60+ campers enrolled will need CITs.  Vancouver camps usually have 50+ campers.  If you are scheduled to be a CIT, we will let you know when the camp reaches 60 campers. 

An application is available at the link listed below.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Show Tickets For This Weekend

Every Journey student gets a free ticket to each of our spring shows, except the one they are cast or crew in.  We have two great shows opening this weekend.  

Little Women - in Portland (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, one weekend only)
The Little Princess - in Vancouver (Friday, Saturday and again next weekend)

To get your free ticket for one of these shows this weekend, you must go online before midnight tonight.   Free student tickets cannot be obtained at the door!

To reserve your ticket, go onto the Journey website and log into your family account.  Then click on "buy tickets", select your show and showtime, then enter the number of free tickets you have in the "journey student" category.  Continue to check out.  There will be $0 cost for this ticket.

I hope to see you at the shows this weekend!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

HYPE Dance and Mask Decorating.

Tuesday night, 4/22, high school students 14 years old an up, who are planning to attend the HYPE formal this weekend "The Mad Masquerade" (4/27) are invited to stay after class, from 7:00 – 8:00, to decorate a mask for the masquerade.  The cost is $3 and materials will be provided.

The Dance will be at Eastside Free Methodist Church, 650 SE 139th Avenue, Portland Or from 7:00 - 10:00.  Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Improv Show

Improv teams from Vancouver, Vancouver East and Portland will be performing at the Improv show on April 20th.  
We are giving out one more ticket as a prize to one of our ticket contest winners at break again this Tuesday at classes.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Ticket Sales Contest


10-19 tickets    =  10 Journey Points
15 tickets         =  1 TICKET TO THE DIRECTOR'S EVENT
20-29 tickets    =  20 Journey Points
30-39 tickets    =  30 Journey Points + 2 TICKETS TO THE
                          DIRECTOR’S EVENT
40-49 tickets    =  40 Journey Points
50-64 tickets    =  50 Journey Points
65-79 tickets    =  65 Journey Points + Journey show t-shirt
80-99 tickets    =  80 Journey Points + Journey show hoodie
100-124 tickets =  100 Journey Points + Journey show hoodie + $50 Visa
                           Gift Card
125+ tickets     =  125 Journey Points + Journey show hoodie + $100 Visa Gift Card

               PIZZA ON SHOWCASE

You can sell tickets and earn credit for shows in ALL FOUR AREAS!
(only tickets sold for own show earns credit for Director's Event)
Spring 2013 Ticket Contest ends Friday, May 31st.
Journey Points added to your accounts by June 7th.

Journey Points Redeemable For:
Tuition, Tickets, Production Fees and Parent Passes

Order Online!
It's faster, patrons choose their own seats, and students still earn ticket contest credit.
Just have patrons enter your name.


School day sales earn credit for 1 regular ticket for every 5 sold!
Student's name must be given at the time of booking.
Public group sales count toward ticket contest.  NO LIMIT!

Stuff You Need to Know For Paper Orders:
Be sure to complete the entire ticket form (available on our website) with legible information
Checks made payable to Journey Theater Arts Group, Visa and Mastercard are accepted
Patron information must accompany the order form.
Comp tickets do not count toward contest.
Submit orders to Magic Box or mail to the Journey Office.
Questions?  Contact your Area Coordinator or call 360-750-8550

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Summer Day Camp Counselors

Hey Journey Students,

If you'll be 16 or older by June 1st, love working with kids and would like to work at our Summer Day Camps, please complete the application.  New counselor applicants will also need to return 2 Reference forms (be sure to follow the instructions).  All materials due by April 22nd.  Please note:  the July 15 - 19 camp in Portland takes place the same week as Resident High School Camp.

Bethany Larson
Summer Camps Manager
360-921-2944 (cell)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No Class April 2nd

There is no Vancouver East Journey class next week, April 2nd, due to spring break.  Have a wonderful Easter and a great spring break!

Help Needed This Saturday!

You may have heard that the generous donation of the Fruit Valley warehouse is ending. In response to this Journey has leased the space next to our Main Storage warehouse. We are going to need to move the items from Fruit Valley - 1900 w 39th Street -  to this new space....prior to April first. I am proposing that we do this next weekend, March 30th at 9:00. If we all show up with trucks, trailers and such, I believe we can do this in one day. I know this is not the most convenient. My apologies. Please let me know if you are able to help. I think it will be nice to have everything in one place. We also have a build space available in our complex.  If you have questions, or to let me know you can be there, please email me - m.martin@journeytheater.org360-600-9686.

Thanks for Participating in this endeavor,

Mark Martin
Journey Theater Arts Group
Scenery/ warehouse Manager

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3 - 2 - 1 Movie Night!

HYPE Sponsored
3 - 2 - 1 

$3 dollars, 2 movies, 1 night!

Come join us after callbacks for two family-friendly movies!
Saturday, March 23rd
6:00 - 10:00 PM
First Church of God
3300 NE 78th Street, 98665

$3 per child or $5 per family!

Please download the permission form from the Journey website and bring it with you to the event!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Letter Writing Campaign

Our office will email all families who have received a donation, and the total amount of their donations, the week of April 15th.  The deadline for donations is April 20th.    

Letter Writing Participation Prizes will be distributed at classes the week of April 8th.    Our Grand Prize Drawing takes place on Saturday, May 4th, at our Season Announcement Dessert.  7 p.m. at the Northwest Baptist Convention Center in Vancouver.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tomorrow, 3/19, First Class Day of Spring!

Tuesday, March 19th is our first winter session class day in Vancouver East.  Please bring a signed Medical Release Form and Behavior Contract to turn for this session.

Class time is 5:00 - 7:00 and we meet at Lifepoint Church at 305 NE 192nd Avenue in Vancouver.  On our first class day we will begin with a parent and student meeting in the Sanctuary.  This meeting lasts about 1/2 hour and we will cover class information and audition information for this session.

When students are released to their classes, parents are invited to join me at a parent reception.  We will have snacks, I will share information about the involvement of parents who have children that are cast in a Journey show and we will have time for questions and answers.

Auditions for Vancouver East's spring production of Annie Get Your Gun are Friday, March 22nd from 4:00 - 7:00 PM at Lifepoint Church.  For more information visit our blog and our show callboard (

I am looking forward to a great session!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Class Registration

Vancouver East Showcase tomorrow night ~ first class day of spring session in just a week!  That's right, our first class day is March 19th!

Register by midnight on March 12th and get the early registration discount!

Great spring shows to audition for ~ You've got to be enrolled to audition!  

Register for Spring Break Camp and/or Spring Session by midnight on Tuesday for the Early Registration price!

Register for Spring Break Camp and/or Spring Session by midnight on Tuesday for the Early Registration price!

Spring Vacation Fun!

Monday - Friday
April 1st through 5th , 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Cascade Park Baptist Church
1201 SE 136th Avenue
Camp showcase on Friday at 3:00 PM
$165 per camper; register by March 12 for just $150!
First time students are just $125 – use the discount code firstspring

Thursday, March 7, 2013

SHOWCASE ~ March 12th!

Next week is the Vancouver East class Showcase!  

7:00 PM
Doors open for seating at 6:50
Lifepoint Church
305 NE 192nd Avenue, 98684

It is free and lots of fun.  Be sure and invite your friends and family!  No ticket needed.

Class time next week is the same, 5:00 PM.

We will be selling pizza by the slice ($1.50) to be served during our break time.  Students order pizza from their teachers upon arrival at class.  If you do not order pizza, please be sure and send a dinner/snack with your child.

HYPE students will be having a bake sale after our Showcase, in the gym, plan to stay a while after Showcase to celebrate the end of a great session together!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring Session in Vancouver East

Spring session in Vancouver East will begin Tuesday, March 19th.  Class will be from 5:00 - 7:00 PM at Lifepoint Church.

Our spring show will be Annie Get Your Gun.  Auditions are March 22nd, 4:00 - 7:00 with the location TBA.  Callbacks will be 9:00 - 1:00 on March 23rd.

We have no class during spring break, Tuesday April 2nd and we will have no class on Tuesday, May 21st during VE's dress week.

We will have no rehearsals either weekend of spring break.

The Vancouver East class Showcase will be Tuesday, June 4th at 7:00 PM.

There is NO BREAK between the showcase of winter session and the first class day of spring session.

Friday, February 8, 2013

No Classes in Vancouver East on 2/19

We will not be having Journey classes on Tuesday 2/19 due to dress week for Annie Warbucks.  Please make a note on your calendar.

Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 26th.

VE Will Celebrate Valentines Day on 2/12!

Classes on Tuesday, 2/12, falls very near Valentines Day so we are taking the day to celebrate!  

At the check in table, there will be Valentine Containers for all our teachers and teacher aides.  If a student would like to bring a Valentine for a teacher(s) the are invited to do so!  Valentines do not have to be just for their current teacher, they can give to any teacher.

Also, students and teachers are invited to wear Valentine colors on Tuesday; red, white or pink.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Valentine Cookies For Sale

Our Improv Teams will be selling beautiful Valentine Cookies to raise funds for their trip to Improvapalooza!  

You can purchase cookies for $3 each during classes over the next two weeks or at the end of rehearsals on February 8th and 9th.  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Letters Due Tomorrow!

Some of you took home packets of letters to address and write a short note in.  This is your reminder that the letters are due back to class tomorrow, 1/29.

When you turn in your letters, you will also be asked to complete your prize order form based on the number of letters you return!

Also, if you were not able to join us last week, you can still participate by sending this link out via email (, with a note to your friends and family!

For each $75 donation that comes in from your email letters, you will be entered into our GRAND PRIZE drawing that will take place at our Season Announcement Dessert on May 4th.

Thanks for helping is in this great fund raiser!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Letter Writing from 7:00 - 8:30

The original post gave the letter writing time incorrectly.  We are meeting right after classes at 7:00 on the 22nd and finishing up by 8:30.

If students finish writing their letters early, or if parents need to pick up early, that is fine!  I have reserved an hour and a half for those who need it.

We will have pizza ready to serve to individuals as soon as they finish their letters.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Join Journey's Letter Writing Campaign

January 22nd is the date of Vancouver East's, Journey’s Letter Writing Campaign!  It is a chance for Journey students to write to their family and friends, asking them to financially support our theater-arts education program. 

On Tuesday, 1/22 from 7:00 - 8:30 (right after Journey classes) we will be gathering in the gym to write letters together and share in a pizza party!

Students can prepare by making a list of 5 - 10 addresses of friends and family, getting stamps for each one and bring them to class on the 22nd.

We will provide pre-printed letters that students can write a brief note in about their involvement in Journey.  Students write the note, address the letter, put on their stamp and we gather them and send them off.  When letters are complete ~ the pizza party begins!

Students earn a participation prize for every 5 letters they send
Letters = a Journey acrylic cup and straw
10 Letters = a Journey t-shirt or messenger bag or 2 cups

In addition, students are entered into a  grand-prize drawing for every $75 their letters bring in.  This drawing takes place at our Season Announcement Dessert (5/4/13).

Grand Prizes
Journey Session Full Access Pass – Tuition, Production Fee, t-shirt, make-up kit and 2 front row tickets to show of your choice. $304 value
$300 Gift Card to Great Wolf Lodge
X-Box 360 4G Kinect Value Bundle
2013 Day Camp Tuition (or $165 applied to High School Camp)
iPod Nano
$150 Gift Card to Broadway Rose Theater plus backstage tour at the show of your choice
$150 Gift Card to Big Al’s
Journey Director’s Chair

It is great to tell others about Journey and what it means to you!  Join our letter writing campaign for pizza, prizes and fun!