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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ticket Contest Winners!

Students who sell 30 tickets or more will be invited to attend The Director's Event! Winners will participate with show Director's in a Photo/Scanvenger Hunt and a gaming party after the hunt.

Cast and Crew winners from the The Hobbit who have sold 30 tickets or more:
Kristin Dawkins (76)
Robert Fukumoto (64)
Jessica Johnson (32)
Jonathan Paterson (37)
Emily Warner (31)

Cast and Crew from The Hobbit who are almost there! (You can keep selling tickets to Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang or Annie Jr. to reach the prize amount):
Alex Neal (28)
Kian Collins (26)
Hannah Reuther (21)
Emma Streiby (21)
Jacob Granneman (20)

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