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Sunday, April 21, 2013

HYPE Dance and Mask Decorating.

Tuesday night, 4/22, high school students 14 years old an up, who are planning to attend the HYPE formal this weekend "The Mad Masquerade" (4/27) are invited to stay after class, from 7:00 – 8:00, to decorate a mask for the masquerade.  The cost is $3 and materials will be provided.

The Dance will be at Eastside Free Methodist Church, 650 SE 139th Avenue, Portland Or from 7:00 - 10:00.  Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Improv Show

Improv teams from Vancouver, Vancouver East and Portland will be performing at the Improv show on April 20th.  
We are giving out one more ticket as a prize to one of our ticket contest winners at break again this Tuesday at classes.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Ticket Sales Contest


10-19 tickets    =  10 Journey Points
15 tickets         =  1 TICKET TO THE DIRECTOR'S EVENT
20-29 tickets    =  20 Journey Points
30-39 tickets    =  30 Journey Points + 2 TICKETS TO THE
                          DIRECTOR’S EVENT
40-49 tickets    =  40 Journey Points
50-64 tickets    =  50 Journey Points
65-79 tickets    =  65 Journey Points + Journey show t-shirt
80-99 tickets    =  80 Journey Points + Journey show hoodie
100-124 tickets =  100 Journey Points + Journey show hoodie + $50 Visa
                           Gift Card
125+ tickets     =  125 Journey Points + Journey show hoodie + $100 Visa Gift Card

               PIZZA ON SHOWCASE

You can sell tickets and earn credit for shows in ALL FOUR AREAS!
(only tickets sold for own show earns credit for Director's Event)
Spring 2013 Ticket Contest ends Friday, May 31st.
Journey Points added to your accounts by June 7th.

Journey Points Redeemable For:
Tuition, Tickets, Production Fees and Parent Passes

Order Online!
It's faster, patrons choose their own seats, and students still earn ticket contest credit.
Just have patrons enter your name.


School day sales earn credit for 1 regular ticket for every 5 sold!
Student's name must be given at the time of booking.
Public group sales count toward ticket contest.  NO LIMIT!

Stuff You Need to Know For Paper Orders:
Be sure to complete the entire ticket form (available on our website) with legible information
Checks made payable to Journey Theater Arts Group, Visa and Mastercard are accepted
Patron information must accompany the order form.
Comp tickets do not count toward contest.
Submit orders to Magic Box or mail to the Journey Office.
Questions?  Contact your Area Coordinator or call 360-750-8550

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Summer Day Camp Counselors

Hey Journey Students,

If you'll be 16 or older by June 1st, love working with kids and would like to work at our Summer Day Camps, please complete the application.  New counselor applicants will also need to return 2 Reference forms (be sure to follow the instructions).  All materials due by April 22nd.  Please note:  the July 15 - 19 camp in Portland takes place the same week as Resident High School Camp.

Bethany Larson
Summer Camps Manager
360-921-2944 (cell)