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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Costumes

Students may wear their Halloween costume to class tonight, however, NO SCARY costumes, or scary images, are permitted and students must be able to participate in all class activities.

If costumes are inappropriate or inhibit class participation, teachers will ask the student to remove their costume.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tall Tales Ticket Contest Director's Event

Students in Great American Tall Tales who sell 30 or more tickets will be invited to attend the Tall Tales Director's Event!

Date: Saturday, Nov. 17th
Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm
What: Life on the Oregon Trail

Our Director's Event will be a day in the life of a "pioneer in the wilderness" as they set out on the Oregon Trail.  We'll begin with a hearty pancake breakfast, then head over to Fort Vancouver where we'll participate in Oregon Trail reenactments like "hunting buffalo" (director hide & seek), "forging the great river" (team competitions), and "traveling in covered wagons" (obstacle course).  After successfully arriving at the end of the Trail, we'll go to the Williams' house to watch the dvd of the show and warm up with chili and cornbread.  

Additional details will be sent via email to those invited to attend once the ticket contest is complete.  

SELL TICKETS!!!!!  We can't wait to "weave stories tall and true" with YOU!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Operation Christmas Child spreads the joy of Christmas to millions of children in over 100 countries.  Each CYT class can be a part of spreading the love of Christ by putting together a (1 or more!) "shoe box" filled with small gifts for a needy child.

CYT's High School Youth Pursuing Excellence (HYPE) are coordinating efforts in each CYT area and encouraging classes to collect items and fill a shoe box that HYPE will collect and Operation Christmas Child will deliver to a child in need.

Each class will decide if they want to create a box for a girl or boy and the age range of the child.  Students then can bring items for the box such as:

Coloring books
Picture books
Small cars
Jump ropes
Bar soap
Hair clips
Toy jewelry
Ball caps
Hard candy

Boxes will be picked up from classes on Tuesday, November 6th.

Do not include: used items, war-related items, chocolate or food, liquids or lotions, vitamins or breakable items.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bring A Friend Day Postcard

Dear CYT Families - Tuesday, October 9th is 'BRING A FRIEND DAY' to CYT Classes! This postcard is an invitation your student can give to their friend.  The back is an address/permission slip that must be signed by the guest's parent and brought to class with them.

These postcards will be handed out at class Tuesday 10/2.  Students can bring one guests to class and they must be new to CYT.

Click Here to Download the postcard info