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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Enjoy your coffee (or smoothie) and help CYT too!

For everyone in the Vancouver, WA area: From October 17th - 21st the Engedi Cafe will be donating 100% of their sales to CYT Vancouver/Portland. Come in & enjoy a specialty coffee drink or all fruit smoothie in their relaxing atmosphere & donate to CYT at the same time! Every dollar spent at Engedi Cafe this week will be given to the ministry! Here is the information about Engedi:

Monday – Thursday, 6:30am – 3:30pm
“Refreshing Ministries One Cup at a Time”

Location: The lobby of the US Digital Outreach Center
1400 NE 136th Ave Vancouver, WA 98684

Our Mission: To be a refreshing oasis to our local community by helping fund the US Digital Outreach Center and in turn create a ripple effect sharing Christ’s love. 100% of proceeds help support the 23+ ministries in our outreach center!

Did you know?: All recipe ingredients are free of preservatives, colors, & artificial sweeteners! You’ll love our fair trade, organic Café Femenino espresso and even if you’re not a coffee drinker, our real fruit smoothies and hot cocoa made with homemade chocolate sauce are delightful.

About our name: “Engedi” is an actual place in eastern Israel which for hundreds of years has served as a refreshing oasis in the middle of the desert to weary travelers. Our hope is that you too will be refreshed by our delicious drinks as you refresh our Outreach Center with your visit.

About Café Femenino coffee beans: A new specialty coffee, Café Femenino is giving strength, unity, and hope to women in other nations around the world. Vendors selling Café Femenino beans donate a portion of their profits directly to women coffee growers to help break the cycle of abuse and poverty in third world countries. This gives them their very own money for the first time in their lives and helps provide grants to fund leadership training, education, nutrition, develop alternative income sources, and improve conditions for their families.

If you are unfamiliar with the location of the US Digital Outreach Center (also the location of our new CYT office), it is located inside the US Digital Building on 136th Avenue, north of the DMV/Winco and south of 18th Street.

You can also buy Engedi Gift Cards and whole bean or ground coffee by the pound. An order form is linked to this post. Order forms can be submitted through the Magic Box at classes and rehearsals and ordered coffee can be picked at the CYT office on October 31st.

Engedi Coffee Order Form

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Join us for a

ComedySportz Show!

Saturday, October 15th at 8 p.m.

ComedySportz Arena

1963 NW Kearney

for map go to:

Group Rate Tickets: $10. per person

To order, fill out a ticket order form and return it to Magic Box no later than

Tuesday, October 11th.

Ticket order forms available at class.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Classes Start Tuesday ~ 9/13!

Vancouver East CYT classes start Tuesday ~ a very exciting week with auditions for our fall show on Friday! Here are some reminders for you:

Remember to bring a completed Medical Release Form to class on Tuesday. You will need another to bring with you to auditions on Friday. You can print these out from your family page on the website and then only have to sign them!

This Tuesday, kids will go directly to the Sanctuary at Lifepoint for a student meeting that will take about 30 minutes. Parents, especially new parents with students who will be auditioning, are invited to continue to stay for a Parent Meeting that will cover auditions and show requirements.

We will enter through the front doors this Tuesday. Every class day after that, students will enter through and be picked up at the back (Church Office) entrance.

I am still looking for a few parents to serve class assistants and earn a tuition (would be applied this session). Please contact me if you are interested!

I encourage you to "subscribe" to our Vancouver East Class Blog located on the Callboard on our website ( and get posts of class information sent directly to your email in box!